College years are universally deemed as a time of personal exploration for young adults. The transition away from family life in the home to living…
Internet addiction has many names: compulsive Internet use (CIU), problematic computer use or Internet addiction disorder. The DSM-5 calls this disorder “Gaming Disorder” when describing…
Technology is changing the way we look at drug and alcohol abuse. Long gone are the days of seeing addiction as a weakness of willpower…
In recent years, there has been much more awareness of the differences between men and women with substance abuse disorders. In the past, most research…
An unfortunate trend has been plaguing the United States for nearly 20 years: painkiller addiction. It’s taking the lives of teenagers and adults alike, and…
Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Driving Under the Influence (DUI) are interchangeable terms in the eye of the law. When Washington State legalized recreational marijuana…
Sleep is important to a person’s overall well-being. According to Psychology Today, “One in three American adults don’t get enough sleep. Though Johns Hopkins Medicine…
Anyone who has ever been addicted knows first-hand what addiction is like. It’s like living in hell. It’s like being imprisoned by your own obsessive…
We hear a lot about drug and alcohol addiction. We are taught that drug and alcohol addiction ruins lives, brings about legal difficulties, destroys families,…
Opioids are generally prescribed by doctors for acute and chronic pain. These drugs include natural opiates such as morphine and codeine. More recently, the popular…