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Wax Addiction in Washington

Wax Addiction: Get the Wax Information and Insight You Need

Wax is a drug that is actually a derivative of marijuana, and while it might seem quite harmless, it’s actually much more potent that the typical marijuana joint might be. Wax is actually a distilled form of marijuana that has been modified into a concentrated substance that contains as much as 90% THC. On the street, Wax is often called: 

  • Dabs
  • Butane Hash Oil (BHO)
  • Amber
  • Butter
  • Glass
  • Ear Wax 

In a way Wax is to marijuana what crack is to cocaine. The high from Wax can last for several hours, and it produces a hallucinogenic effect that keeps people coming back to use it again and again. Of course, over time, a Wax addiction is likely with continued Wax abuse; although most people fail to recognize how addictive this drug can be. 

Perhaps you have been participating with Wax use for quite some time, and you honestly don’t believe that you have an addiction to it. Even so, it can help to learn some basic Wax addiction facts so that you can understand your use of this drug and the effects of Wax on your body.

Wax Information: What is Wax Addiction? What is Wax Abuse?

Wax abuse statistics indicate that the continued use of this drug is only increasing in the United States. Even so, it’s important to understand the Wax abuse definition so that you can determine whether or not you’re abusing it or addicted to it.

Wax abuse refers to using wax on a semi-regular but not consistent basis. It can refer to your very first use of this drug, as well as multiple uses of it. Unless you feel as though you need it to feel like yourself, you aren’t addicted to it. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t become addicted to it.

Some of the signs of Wax addiction include:

  • You’re having difficulty managing your life because of your Wax use
  • People have told you that you need to get professional help
  • You’re becoming isolated from the people you love because of your Wax use
  • You’re experiencing medical problems, but you continue using Wax
  • You’ve been diagnosed with a mental health condition

Have you noticed any of these Wax addiction symptoms? If so, getting help is important to your recovery.

Wax Abuse Facts: What are the Symptoms of Withdrawal from Wax?

Quite often, once people recognize some of the Wax addiction signs within themselves, they’ll try to stop using it. This can be dangerous, and lead to withdrawal symptoms that are hard to manage on your own. These can include:

  • Bouts of insomnia
  • Other sleep disturbances, such as nightmares
  • Depression symptoms
  • Anxiety or panic attacks
  • Onset of psychosis 

Usually, people go back to using Wax as a way to avoid dealing with these withdrawal symptoms, which creates an addiction cycle that’s very hard to break.


Are You a Wax Addict? Wax Addiction Treatment Centers in WA State Can Help

The effects of Wax on the body cannot be, nor should they be ignored. This is a very dangerous drug, and it’s capable of producing effects such as: 

  • Memory loss
  • Increased risk of mental problems
  • Balance and coordination problems
  • Concentration difficulties
  • Temporary paralysis in the body
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Panic attacks and anxiety 

Because many Wax addicts don’t realize how addictive it can be, they often try to stop using Wax on their own. This should never be attempted, and Wax addiction treatment programs like Northpoint Recovery can assist you if you’re addicted to Wax. 

If you recognize the fact that your continued Wax use has become a serious problem in your life, and you would like to learn more about how you can get help for your addiction, please contact us here at Northpoint Recovery. We would love to help you.
