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A Complete Guide to Tramadol Addiction Detox and Rehab

A Complete Guide to Tramadol Addiction Detox and Rehab

Rehab and detox programs for Tramadol addiction are available for you throughout the US.

Tramadol, also known as Ultram or ConZip, is a prescription drug in the opioid family. This type of addiction is a serious one, and requires the help of an effective rehab and detox program to overcome. Regardless of the strength of your addiction, you need professional help to support you during this time.

It is likely that you’ve had friends and family members tell you that drug rehab is where you need to be. In your heart, you know this to be true, but have been having difficulty in taking that first step. This is not uncommon when it comes to the unknown, and is especially difficult when it comes something as serious as committing to a detox or rehab program for an addiction.

Our guide stands ready and willing to shine a light on what you may expect at rehab or detox. Our goal is to provide you with a feeling of confidence when searching for the help you need.

Tramadol Addiction Information

Quitting Tramadol Cold Turkey Vs. Attending Detox and Rehab

One of the most difficult things for an addict to admit to themselves is that rehab is going to be necessary for any kind of substantial gain in the struggle for sobriety. Many times, it is easy to convince yourself that you can go it alone, and save the time and effort that rehab requires. While it may be possible to go cold turkey with some drug addictions, Tramadol is not one of them.

The first reason behind this is the dangerous physical and mental effects that simply cutting off your Tramadol supply can cause. Unlike other prescription drugs that fall under the opioid umbrella, there is actually two different kinds of physical withdrawal that occurs when ceasing Tramadol use. Each type has its own set of withdrawal symptoms that must be monitored and addressed to avoid serious complications.

The first form of withdrawal is the same type of symptoms you see with most other prescription opioids. The most common of these symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe stomach pains
  • Muscle aches and soreness

The second type of withdrawal is the one that is unique to Tramadol, and is usually known by the mouthful, atypical opioid withdrawal syndrome. These come from the fact that Tramadol not only works to relieve pain by stimulating opioid receptors, it also blocks the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. Because of this additional mechanism, the following symptoms are also part of Tramadol withdrawal:

  • Excessive anxiety or panic attacks
  • Hallucinations
  • Extreme paranoia
  • Disorientation
  • Confusion 

Combine both of these types of symptoms together, and you have a dangerous mix that can have serious repercussions if attempting to quit on your own. A professional detox and rehab program provides professional staff on-hand day and night to make sure these symptoms do not become life threatening.

Feeling the unmitigated effects of Tramadol withdrawal can also lead to giving up, or an inability to keep your sobriety going. Because they can be so intense, you can easily feel overwhelmed. This usually leads to ceasing the cold turkey attempt or falling off the wagon in the near future.

By taking this step in a detox program, you have help and support available to you to make sure that you stay strong on your course. Many of these professionals may be reformed addicts themselves, so they are likely to know what you are going through. You also have the added benefit of fellow patients that can support you through the most difficult times.

The Many Types of Addiction Treatment for Tramadol Addicts

Treatment for Tramadol addiction can be found in many forms throughout the state of Washington. Because every addict is an individual with different needs, not all programs work as well in all situations. As a result, it is of the utmost importance to find the method that will work best for you. Keep in mind, there is nothing more important than your recovery, and it falls to you to decide how best to achieve your goal.

There are two sides to Tramadol addiction that must be focused on in order to kick the habit completely. The first side is the physical one, and deals with the adjustment that the body goes through when learning to live without the Tramadol in your system. Because withdrawal from opioids like Tramadol is so intense, this is usually the most uncomfortable part of the overall process.

The second is the mental and emotional dependency on the drug. Even after your body has adjusted to its absence, your mind will continually bombard you with cravings and desires to feel as good as you did on the drug. Handling this side successfully takes much longer than the physical side, and is what makes ongoing rehab such a necessity.

The very first step to take in your quest for sobriety is acquiring relief from the physical aspects of the dependency. This is known as detoxification, or simply detox, and includes weaning yourself off the drug over a short period of time. This is where the benefits of a detox program are felt, so that you do not become drowned in misery while your body adjusts.

Timeline for Detox from Tramadol

As with most other opioids, there is a relatively predictable timeline during the detox phase. The first symptoms should appear within 12 hours after your last dose. These are usually relatively mild for the first day, and increase in intensity as more time passes. However, for the first three days, your withdrawal symptoms should still be pretty manageable.

Like other prescription drugs, Tramadol leaves your system entirely after the third day. This is when you will really start to feel the more serious and intense withdrawal symptoms. The physical effects felt in the first stage increase dramatically, and are accompanied by the start of the mental and emotional ones listed above. This is the most critical time, and usually the point where an addict going it alone will give up. The height of intensity of these feelings usually lasts about a week.

Once that first week is up, symptoms should start to gradually decline. While you will still definitely feel them, your body has begun functioning without needing the drug, so the intensity should progressively subside. While cravings and urges are likely to continue for several months, they level out quite a bit once that second week has been survived.

There are a few factors that go into how long your withdrawal lasts, and how intense it is. These include:

  • How much is normally taken
  • How long the addiction has been going on
  • How it is taken (orally, snorting, etc.)
  • Personal Factors (metabolism, pain tolerance, other medications being taken)

Medicated Detox

By far, the easiest way to go through detox for a Tramadol addiction is medicated detox. In medicated detox, also known as pharmacological detox, withdrawal symptoms are managed by other drugs prescribed by the attending physician. As with most opioids, using these medications is both common and effective.

There are several drugs that are prescribed specifically for detox for opioids like Tramadol. Methadone, Naltrexone and buprenorphine are popular choices that can reduce how terrible you feel during the initial and secondary phases of withdrawal. These drugs do carry the risk of becoming addicted to them, so constant attention and supervision by a professional is necessary.

There are other drugs that can address individual symptoms as well. For example, Metoclopramide is excellent for the inevitable vomiting and nausea brought on by Tramadol withdrawal. If you have excessive diarrhea, Loperamide can help relieve it. If feelings of pain and discomfort are more mild, ibuprofen and acetaminophen will usually do the trick nicely.

While detoxing from Tramadol is necessary, your journey to sobriety is just beginning. The next step in the process is rehabilitation, usually just shortened to rehab. Rehab is a program that builds on the progress made in detox by teaching lessons and tools that will help you stay sober in the long run. While your body may no longer need the drug to function, you mind is still going to want it for a long time.

There are a few different types of rehab programs you can use to beat a Tramadol addiction. Not all programs are suitable for each situation, so choosing one based on your individual circumstances is key. No matter how good a program is, it is only effective if it conforms to your needs.

Inpatient Rehab

Given how serious a Tramadol addiction is, the intensity of an inpatient rehab is usually the best way to go. Inpatient rehab involves a program where you live at the facility full-time for the entire duration of the program. Patients are usually not allowed to leave the grounds while in treatment, due to the possibility and lure of obtaining the drug you are trying to kick. These inpatient programs vary in length, and usually last anywhere between 28 and 90 days.

Getting to Know Your Surroundings 

The first day at rehab is likely to be the scariest. Transitioning from the freedom and comfort of your home to a completely unfamiliar surrounding is difficult for most even during the best of times. Having to make this adjustment while faced with the specter of how difficult quitting will be makes things even worse.

Professionals at rehab understand this, and usually try and make your first day there as easy and stress-free as possible. Actual treatment is usually saved for the coming days and weeks, and the first day usually involves getting to know your surroundings and the people you are sharing the program with. Attending physicians and therapists will meet with you and go over the basics of treatment. An individualized treatment plan is also created, which tailors your therapy and treatment to your situation in specific.

This is also a good time to start getting to know fellow patients attending the program with you. One of the chief advantages of inpatient rehab is the camaraderie and assistance from other addicts seeking treatment. Rehabs usually appoint an existing resident to help you take everything in and introduce you to other members of the program. This is an excellent way to make new friends.

A Typical Day at Tramadol Rehab 

One of the most important keys to success when treating any type of drug addiction is a structured and predictable daily routine. While each individual program's daily itinerary can vary in the specifics, the basics usually stay pretty much the same. Having activities and therapy sessions planned for you can greatly decrease the amount of uncertainty and stress you may feel.

While proper sleep is very important to the recovery process, excessive sleeping can be detrimental. Rehabs usually start the day fairly early, and discourage patients from sleeping past the appointed time to rise and shine. Your time spent at a rehab is important. The more you sleep the less time you have to participate in the things that really matter.

Nutrition is another important factor while trying to overcome an addiction. Your body is likely already feeling low on energy as it battles the withdrawal symptoms and cravings that are present throughout the program. Therapy itself can also be grueling, especially in the early stages, so you need to have enough energy to fully participate and make the most of your time spent there. This makes a healthy breakfast an important way to start out the day in most rehab programs.

Light exercise for both the body and the mind is another boon when done early in the morning. Yoga is a popular early morning type of physical exercise, its low impact nature ensuring that it will not leech too much out of your available energy reserves. Meditation is another excellent way to start things out, since the serenity and peace of mind puts you in the best mental place to reap the most benefits from your therapy.

After a healthy lunch is when the heaviest part of the therapy program usually starts. Patients have had the opportunity to ease into the day, and are usually in the best physical and mental place in the afternoon. Usually therapy sessions will be back to back at this time, perhaps with a little downtime in between to help a person reset. It is also not unusual for the rehab program to include guest speakers during this time. The inspiration and motivation that comes from hearing a good success story is worth its weight in gold.

Once the evening rolls around, things start to wind up at most rehab programs. The day usually rounds out with another light-impact therapy session, similar to the one first thing in the morning. 12-step programs are popular for this late meeting, since the relaxed and open setting helps patients ease into the mindset that is best for getting to sleep. Just as rehab programs do not want you to sleep in in the morning, a reasonable bedtime is also promoted.

Free time is available during different parts of the day, usually in the early afternoon and right before bedtime. Patients can enjoy more leisurely activities, ones they see as enjoyment instead of work. Many facilities have indoor and outdoor games and exercise available during this time. For those who want some time to themselves, reading a book, watching some TV, or personal religious activities can be enjoyed.

Not all therapy in rehab takes the same form. There are a wide variety of types and formats of therapy that have been shown to be effective when combined in one program. While some types work better than others for each person, a well-rounded itinerary ensures that every aspect of the addiction is dealt with and managed.

Individual Therapy

Meeting one-on-one with a therapist or physician is one of the most common forms of therapy in rehab. The ability to concentrate solely on your own problems and issues, and receive feedback and advice that deals with you personally, makes this type of setting indispensable for all types of addictions.

The most common type of individual therapy is cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. Decades of experience have shown this to be one of the premier types of treating addiction. CBT involves dealing with specific triggers, and how you respond to them. Addiction results in harmful responses to these triggers, which means you need to learn new reactions to take their place. The one-on-one setting allows your therapist to teach you responses that are much healthier and will stick with you long after the program has been completed.

Group Therapy

Another type of therapy found at all rehabs is group therapy. These types of sessions usually involve patients sitting in close proximity, usually in a circle. Patients go one by one, and share their personal stories, or anything they might be struggling with at the time. Each person is given the opportunity to speak, but it is never forced. Fellow residents can provide feedback or share similar experiences and how they handled them.

The social aspect of this type of group is where its strength lies. Just knowing that you are not in your situation alone helps reduce stress, and can usually bring even the shyest person out of their shell. The level of intimacy and sharing in a group setting can also provide the basis for friendships that last even when rehab is finished.

Family Therapy

Dealing with family members during an addiction can be difficult. Chances are that some aspects of your addiction has impacted those you care about in a decidedly negative manner. This can lead to friction in the home that increases the urge to escape and use. Having a controlled setting where all parties can meet together and discuss grievances can make the setting you return home to after the program a much more welcoming and healing one.

Family therapy sessions are the best way to provide this safe space where everyone gets a chance to speak their mind without condemnation. A therapist will conduct the session in a private setting, and provide feedback on everything that is a point of contention. This provides an opportunity for each participant to see where the other is coming from, and make changes that will help improve the relationship.

Alternative Therapy

Not all types of therapy include sitting around and talking. Most rehab programs offer different types of alternative therapies that involve the mind and body in various ways. Art therapy is a prime example of these types of therapies, with the stimulation that comes from being creative exceptionally helpful in allowing the mind to branch out to new horizons. This category can also include more unique approaches, such as biofeedback and neurofeedback therapy.

While inpatient rehab is usually recommended for a serious addiction like Tramadol, it is not always possible for each addict. Regardless of how strong your devotion to quit is, if your personal responsibilities or schedule require you to be at home each night, inpatient treatment is out of the question. You may also have a milder addiction, one that does not require the intensive nature of an inpatient setting. Situations like these are where an outpatient program is the best fit.

Outpatient rehab consists of scheduling different therapy sessions throughout the week on specific and predictable days. Patients live at home, and travel to the facility for each session. There are different types of outpatient programs, usually depending on the severity of the addiction and the amount of treatment needed.

Intensive Outpatient Program

The most common type of outpatient treatment is an intensive outpatient program, or IOP. This is the best choice for a balance between the freedom of living at home and the intensity of an inpatient setting. In an intensive outpatient program, sessions are scheduled a few days each week, for a few hours each day.

An individualized treatment plan is developed in the first sessions, one that provides specific, achievable milestones to mark progress. Usually as each milestone is conquered, the number of sessions can begin to decrease. The types of therapy in an outpatient program include relapse prevention education, individual counseling and group sessions.

Partial Hospitalization Program

For situations that need more than the periodic care of an IOP, but still require the patient to live at home, a partial hospitalization program is the best fit. Also called a day program, a partial hospitalization program lasts between five and seven days each week, usually for the entire day. The types of therapy seen in a day program are similar to what you see in full inpatient programs. Once the program has been completed for the day, the patient returns home or to a sober living facility.

Independent Outpatient Organizations

One of the most common ongoing outpatient treatments for drug addiction is the different independent organizations that hold free meetings. These meetings can be found in virtually every city, and are held numerous times each day. While in outpatient treatment, these should be used to supplement your current treatment schedule rather than replace it.

These groups and meetings primarily revolve around 12-step programs, which have a core belief centered around faith. Narcotics Anonymous is a prime example of these programs, and has helped addicts of all stripes around the world find the peace that comes from being sober. SMART is another helpful resource, and is unique in that it is based on science rather than faith. SMART also provides online resources as well as in-person meetings.

Living with a combination of substance abuse and a mental disorder is called, co-occurring disorder treatment, or dual diagnosis. This afflicts over 7 million people in the US, and is even more difficult to treat than if tackling each problem alone. The symptoms of each illness mesh together and are impossible to separate. This is made even worse by the tendency of the symptoms of one side of the dual diagnosis to feed into the other.

There are two major differences to the treatment for co-occurring disorder treatment and standard rehab. The first is that the program must include therapy and treatment for both illnesses at the same time. This is called integrated care, and includes therapy and activities that include both the mental illness and the addiction as the basis of the session. Identifying a dual diagnosis is done early on in the rehab process, so treatment can be tailored from the very beginning.

The other primary difference is the more common use of medications in the recovery process and in the long term. There are many medications that are both useful and vital to mental disorders, so the proper regimen must be discovered before therapy bears the most fruit. There is usually a hesitation to use medication when there is an addiction alone, but this is not present in the case of dual diagnosis.

Paying for Rehab

In virtually all cases, the rehab comes with a price. While there are some free programs available in most areas of the country, there is many times a waiting period to get in. Many addicts struggle with finances, which makes the number of people wanting these types of programs large. The care received at these programs is also usually not quite up to the standards found in paid facilities. As with most things in life, you usually get what you pay for.

There are many factors that go into how much an individual person's rehab cost will be. Even in the same facility, not all patients' pay the same amount. The most common factors that go into how high the price tag is include:

  • Whether the program is inpatient or outpatient
  • How long the program is
  • Which types of treatment you need
  • Your medical insurance
  • Additional amenities

Fortunately, the last few decades have seen a true upsurge in the level of understanding and importance of the dangers of drug addiction, and the benefits of rehab. As a result, there are more ways to pay for rehab than ever before. The most common methods of payment accepted by most rehab facilities include:

  • Health insurance
  • Cash
  • Personal financing
  • Facility financing and payment plans

Health Insurance

By far, the most common way to pay for rehab is health insurance. This includes, personal, state or federal government and military insurance. Rehab facilities accept most types of insurance, with additional savings in out-of-pocket costs if you attend a program in their provider network. Many insurance plans have deductibles, so it is important to find out beforehand how much you will have to pay out of your own wallet.

The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Addiction Treatment

Tramadol Addiction Information

One of the most important changes to the federal laws governing medical insurance in recent memory is the Affordable Care Act. Also known as the ACA or Obamacare, this law has single-handedly revolutionized medical insurance in the US, and many of those changes impact the area of addiction treatment. The most important ways the ACA impacts substance abuse treatment include:

  • Out-of-pocket Costs: There are several different levels of coverage in the ACA marketplace. Each of these levels has a different percentage of rehab costs that are covered. In most cases, the amount a person has to pay out of their own pocket has decreased dramatically. This has allowed more people to get the help they need.
  • No more pre-existing conditions: Coverage cannot be denied no matter when the addiction began.
  • Under the ACA, all policies must offer coverage for addiction treatment 

There are a few downsides to the changes brought on by the ACA . The first is the simple fact that because so many more people are now getting treatment, the number of qualified professionals is lacking. It can also be more difficult for Medicaid patients to find programs, since the ACA limits how many of these patients can attend the facility at any given time. Overall, however, the ACA has been a boon for those seeking addiction treatment.

Tramadol Addiction Treatment

Tramadol Treatment in Washington

We have both inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment facilities in Washington state. Our goal with this guide has been to help you with all of the information you need to find relief from a Tramadol addiction, and we hope we have succeeded. As you can see, there is nothing to be afraid of when faced with addiction treatment. Everyone at the facility will be there to support and encourage you along the way. Handling an addiction on your own is never necessary. The best Tramadol addiction rehab is available to you here at Northpoint Washington.

Being addicted to Tramadol can be a lonely experience. It is difficult to imagine that anyone else is feeling as badly as you are, and hope for recovery diminishes with each passing day. We want you to know that there is always hope, and we can help you find that out for yourself.

What other questions do you have that we can answer for you? Please contact us right away and let us know how we can assist you further.

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